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When is Longitudinal Data Important to Life Sciences Companies?

By IntrinsiQ Specialty Solutions

Life Sciences companies understand that longitudinal data will supply their brand teams with data to support their business decisions for a successful commercialization. The time-dimensioned and sequential relationships of longitudinal patient care intelligence reveal powerful insights into the drug therapy use and unmet needs of specifically-targeted patients—insights that lead to success. 

It’s those patient-level transactions and provider behavior patterns that provide greater insights and granularity.

As an example, Company A is in the early stages of a Phase II trial with an oncolytic product. Informed by longitudinal data, detailing when and what types of supportive care are initiated to assist cancer patients through specific drug therapies, the Life Sciences company can determine whether targeted messaging can work to improve patient care. The messaging may determine the impact of supportive care prescribing and dealing with the patient’s tolerance of optimal drug therapy – including dosing and scheduling. Customized views available to the brand teams bring to light actionable insights into practice patterns.  Business planning for launch and support for reimbursement can hinge on this intelligence built on a mix of patient-, prescriber- and site- dependencies.

While longitudinal data assesses past activity, it can provide Life Sciences companies with quantitative metrics for business planning – building solid forecasting models using analytics founded on up-to-date and nationally projected real world evidence, helping the company become proactive rather than reactive.

Longitudinal data provides detailed information on a variety of treatment dimensions, including:

  • Treatment durations and treatment-free intervals
  • Total doses of therapy
  • Pathways of care, enabling assessment of prior drug exposures
  • Rates and degree of dose reduction/increase as well as dose delay/discontinuation
  • Share of market for competing products in treatment, including rates of abandonment that may be due to clinical failure or financial hardship, for instance.

Armed with that data that provides a holistic view rather than a segmented approach, Life Sciences companies can make both tactical and strategic decisions.

The benefit of IntrinsiQ Specialty Solutions’ clinically relevant information is a customized strategic view into treatment-related metrics with analysis and insights finalized by a patient intelligence team dedicated to and experienced in evaluating specialty longitudinal data.
NOTE: IntrinsiQ Specialty Solutions uses TreatmentFLOW, an Excel-based tool to help Life Sciences companies get immediate access to an analysis of longitudinal patient treatment. The tool also creates impactful presentations for Life Sciences’ internal clients with insightful charts and graphics.